What a day. Heaps to talk about and tell you. But firstly, let me explain that when the fog appears in the outback, it means the rain is over. Great news for the artists, not so good for the people on the land. However, on top of it all, we decided - rain finished, mud drying - time to go further afield to Noel's Boulders.
I should tell you at this stage that my
friend Annabel has not been here this week. Yo may have noticed her absence. She had a major operation on Tuesday and is recovering well. As a result, Annabel and
Stepehn are in Brisbane. So, i am under strict instructions to call Stephen every night to check where we
might be able to get to the next day - due to the wet condition of the paddocks. So, rang
him last night. He said if you
can get through the first creek, you will be fine to get t
o the Boulders. Went out early to check it out. Went through the creek and thought : we are fine. Came back with the artists and got bogged in the very next table drain. Here I am bogged.
Slipping around but unable to move further.

Due to Lesley's bush skills and my pushing we got out. And big accolades to
Rocio who shifted across the seats ans steered me to safety. So after that no Noel's Boulders and on to Plan B, thinking all the time how Stephen and Annabel will have a big giggle at this. But, as I said to Dee. I am the fat, gay uncle from the city so it is my job to provide comic relief.

We got out but the
Rav 4 is covered in mud. I will leave the mud on so I look very
blokey and off-road when I get back to the Big Smoke. After all this drama, which provided the Adelaide Peruvians with great dinner stories in the future, it was still foggy. But we decided to head to the clay pan flats not far
from the house to paint. Here is the scene when we arrived.

And later on as the fog burned off at about 10:30.

So we set up and started painting.

Today I am going to show a little of myself. Just for the show. Here I am painting my piece of the day. The thing about painting on days like today is that even more than usual, the light changes quickly.
You can see
that for yourself. The challenge is to try to capture one mood. And that is what I
attempted. So my piece is about the
foggy clay pan landscape.

Here is the result. I am enjoying the change of
palette that the rain and fog have brought to

We were joined this afternoon by
Lachlan Tully - the eldest of the five children. Shown here with his
unique piece.

We once again all saw it differently. Here is Mariana's work. The tree is lovely and whimsical and shows her development this week. Her confidence and love of the new media she has learnt to use.

Lesley is an amazing artist and a great person. Today she showed us her fabric work and I bought a tie for me and a scarf for my daughter Phoebe. But she likes to work a little separated from the group. Her she is in the distance. you can see the Toyota Prado quite easily. Look hard for Lesley.

And here are her interpretations of the clay pan and the distant mountains. You can see how
her work is informed by her interest in print and colour.

love the hat.
Rocio worked hard at going outside the square.

With wonderful results.

And our wonderful
mamasita - how you say it depends on its interpretation - finally comes to terms with the tree.

Lovely painting once again. It shines like the clay pan in the follow up to rain.

So, another day ends with a bang despite the start. And tonight we have the show and tell. Annabel's Mum, Ruth has come for dinner looking stunning in black - the only one ready for and exhibition. Lesley is going home tomorrow a day early so we want to have a good night tonight. I have been having a few
vinos ready for the exhibition so must go before I get too rambling. Enjoy!