What a great day! Today we had another day in the shed doing a workshop in woodcuts. We laughed and talked and played tango music for the three
latinos from Adelaide. And most importantly, we made beautiful prints. So, the rain has stopped, it seems, but the mud is still ankle deep. Being in the shed was the best place.
Of the four artists, only Lesley had done woodcuts before. But all four produced the most exceptional work. Wow, is all I can say. Woodcuts are actually the same technique as
linocuts using
MDF instead of lino for plates. We cut into the piece of wood with lino cutting tools. I bring out a portable roller press from Brisbane and we print on Japanese paper. We then glued the prints, which are transparent, onto canvasses the same
size as the print. having
collaged the canvas with hand made papers first. The colour in the paper bleeds through and adds another dimension to the prints. A great exercise for printmaking beginners or novices as they have to plan their work on several levels.

Lesley is shown here at work on her plate. She based the print image on the sheep yards I showed you yesterday from the back of the shed. Lesley often works in fabric design and printing so this medium is something she handles well. She chose to stick to a black and white print. Lesley's work is competition standard and quality.

The delightful and fascinating Lucy
Barua is 80 going on 21. We danced the tango today to the music of
Otres Aires. And she produced an abstract design echoing the surrounding bush. Really original and stunning.

Mariana produced a really detailed work with incredible lines accentuating the landscape she painted yesterday. Her work was visually unique and evocative. She did one version in
black and white and
collaged the other piece.

But the accolades today must go to
Rocio. An amazingly simple design beautifully executed and deftly cut. I loved her work. It needs to be seen by a lot of people. Unfortunately, the photos do not do it justice. At the end of the week, I
will take a detailed shot of it.
Tomorrow, we hope we will be out in the open painting the beautiful
Bunginderry landscape. Fingers crossed.
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